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Residency of Alice McCabe & Amy Ash

Pleased to have hosted Alice McCabe (UK) and Amy Ash (CA) at Plas Bodfa in August 2023. Their collaborative work, under the moniker of Adventitious Routes & Rhizomes, looks to the characteristics, language, mythology and historical contexts of plants for guidance. With plants as their mentors, Adventitious Routes & Rhizomes translate plant wisdom through varied methodologies as a means to both disrupt systems and discuss difficult topics that resonate into the realm of human communities.

Their works at Bodfa were leading up to a show at window135, a small but active vitrine gallery and performance space in New Cross Gate, London, UK. Since opening in 2004, window 135 have developed a mandate of showing a new exhibition every week, highlighting exciting new works and practices.

8 September

Filkin's Drift in the Moon Gate Garden